The agenda is being finalized at this time and will be updated regularly.
June 14 Agenda
9:00am - 10:00am ET
Networking Breakfast
9:45am - 11:00am ET
Opening Remarks and CEO Fireside Chat
ABC's Byron Pitts sits down with asset and wealth management leaders to talk about executive accountability, industry sustainability, and the business imperative of DEI.
Byron Pitts, Anchor & Chief National Correspondent, ABC News
Lisa Jones, Head of the Americas, President and CEO, Amundi US, Inc.
11:00am - 11:15am ET
Lightning Talk: Seeing is Believing – The Power of Role Models and Visibility
Role models can help to create increased confidence and empowerment for under-represented communities. What is a role model and how are they impactful? How can organisations empower a culture of role modelling and empower their employees to thrive? This inspiring session will offer you an insight into LGBT Great’s new ground-breaking ‘Seeing is Believing’ global research study and provide you with 10 practical takeaways for consideration in your firms.
11:15am - 12:00pm ET
From Moment to Movement
Learn how to keep DEI a business priority in a difficult economic climate, battle complacency, and establish actionable goals with measurable impact. This session will offer participants a roadmap for uniting organizations with a common mission, and fostering a long-term vision for our industry.
Jun Li, EY Americas Wealth & Asset Management Co-leader, EY
Erika Irish Brown, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer and Global Head of Talent, Citi
Ryan Rue, President, American Funds Service Company, Capital Group
Erica Seremeta, Global Director of DEI Client Engagement, BlackRock
12:00pm - 1:00pm ET
1:00pm - 1:45pm ET
Executive Roundtable with Emily Portney, BNY Mellon
Diversity, equity and inclusion is a societal imperative that needs to be part of how we do business – not only in the way we hire, retain and lead teams, but with the products we develop and clients, vendors and intermediaries
that we work with.
This panel of senior leaders will talk about how they encourage and motivate their teams to be conscious of diversity, equity and inclusivity while driving important commercial outcomes.
Anna Paglia, Global Head of ETFs & Indexed Strategies, Invesco
Samara Cohen, Chief Investment Officer of ETFs and Index Investments, BlackRock
Kimberly Johnson, Chief Operating Officer, T. Rowe Price
Emily Portney, CEO, BNY Mellon’s Asset Servicing
Shundrawn Thomas, Founder and Managing Partner, The Copia Group, LLC
1:45pm - 2:00pm ET
Networking Break
2:00pm - 3:00pm ET
Elephant in the Room Part 2: Learning to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Business leaders are being increasingly thrust into a paradoxical world where employees expect their company to take positions on social issues, while corporate DEI efforts themselves are being further politicized and weaponized. Leaders face real dilemmas about how they weigh into often difficult conversations around DEI issues. For some, the traditional mantra of “If I don’t say anything, I won’t make it worse” is no longer a viable option.
This interactive, hour-long keynote will pose these and other real life examples that implore leaders to assess their own challenges that can keep them both nervous and separated from hot-button issues affecting employee engagement. Walk away with purposeful tips that every leader needs to employ to both discover, and often rediscover, their next steps as a more courageous, conscious, and competent inclusive leader.
3:00pm - 3:15pm ET
Lightning Talk: Juneteenth Spotlight
3:15pm - 3:30pm ET
Networking Break
3:30pm - 4:15pm ET
Leadership of Tomorrow
Are leaders born or made? Probably both. Hear from leaders in different career stages and positions who will share what innate qualities have served them and events that have forged and refined their leadership skills. We invite you to challenge your own notions of leadership and uncover ways you might be a leader in ways you didn’t realize.
Megan Kronen, Managing Director, CRA | Admired Leadership
Elba Vasquez, Senior Vice President, US Head of Client Management, HSBC Global Asset Management
Alfonzo Willoughby, Compliance Manager, Broadridge (Alfonzo is a 2022 Rising Star honoree)
4:15pm - 5:00pm ET
All Rise: Igniting an Inclusive Culture from Within
Bonfire’s Co-Founder Rachel Newton Bellow leads a discussion on creating systemic change, regardless of your position in the pipeline. Learn key principles and strategies of influence, and how to equip your teams with critical skills and essential perspectives, fueling them to shape the workplace of the future.
5:00pm - 6:00pm ET
Networking Reception
6:00pm - 8:00pm ET
Rising Stars Dinner with Keynote Address
Celebrate the industry’s brightest young talent during the Rising Stars Dinner where we will recognize the 2023-24 class. The Rising Star Program offers DPNA member firms a high-profile and meaningful way to celebrate and cultivate the next generation of diverse leaders. Click here to learn more.
Schedule of Events
6:00pm - 6:30pm: Dinner is served
6:30pm - 7:00pm: Keynote Presentation, Baroness Helena Morrissey
7:00pm - 7:30pm: Presentation of the 2023-24 Rising Stars
7:30pm - 8:00pm: Networking
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