Please check this page regularly for any health and safety updates. Last Updated: 1/25/2022.

Nicsa wants to assure you of its continued commitment to creating a safe and healthy environment. We are making preparations to hold our event in accordance with currently applicable national government and local authority guidance to ensure the highest standards of safety.

Before SLF

  • Attendees must be fully vaccinated as defined by the CDC. Each attendee of the conference will attest to being fully vaccinated during registration. 
  • If you are aware that you have been exposed to COVID-19 in the two weeks leading up to the event, or if you are experiencing any symptoms, we ask that you DO NOT attend our in-person event.

During the Event

  • TPC Sawgrass Marriott is in compliance with local law and government guidelines and adheres to robust protocols. For detailed information, please reach out to
  • Buffets will be modified with shields, queue management, and limited staff contact.
  • Masks will be available at the registration desk for any attendee who requests one. Attendees can wear masks at their discretion.
  • Hand sanitizer will be made available throughout the venue and/or event spaces at multiple locations.
