Module 1: Introduction to Admired Leadership: Why Should Anyone Follow You?

Leading by example is an easy thing to say, but hard to do in everyday leadership. In this presentation, we ask and answer the question, “Why Should Anyone Follow You?®” This section shows how Admired Leaders® display their character to others and unveil their competence while remaining humble. Behaviors in this unit teach us to recognize common leadership situations as opportunities to display credibility and constantly prove to others that we are worthy of their followership. We will also cover how your leadership style impacts your credibility and explore the different power markers that can help you elevate your executive presence.


  • Introduction to Admired Leadership and the behavioral-based approach
  • Understanding Admired Leader behaviors that elevate your credibility


09/20/2023 at 1:00 PM (EDT)  |  90 minutes
09/20/2023 at 1:00 PM (EDT)  |  90 minutes