Stephanie Gaffin

Stephanie Gaffin

Stephanie Gaffin brings over 25 years of experience in high growth organizations and professional services to the faculty of Lake Forest Center for Leadership.

Stephanie, who served as Vice President for Medicaid Solutions, and previously VP of Operational Performance, at Evolent Health, is cofounder and Managing Partner at SLS Capital Advisors and The Gaffin Group. She also co-hosts a podcast for Right In the Middle Market, focused on providing pragmatic advice on running, growing and selling your middle market company.

Stephanie is an experienced executive with proven results driving change in organizations through a collaborative approach that creates common vision and a pragmatic plan for growth and long term success. She is passionate about driving innovations to help people and organizations be their best.

Stephanie holds an MBA and MHA in Healthcare Administration and Finance from the University of Minnesota, and a BA from Washington University.

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