Managing Client Relationships in a Virtual Environment
12:30pm – 1:30pm: Managing Client Relationships in a Virtual Environment
There’s been a cosmic shift in the way we engage with clients and develop new opportunities. The benefit of connecting face-to-face has been tabled, and the methods of developing trust and building client loyalty must be adapted to a new operating environment. Our panel of experienced sales and client management executives will share how they have turned a potential barrier into an opportunity, using virtual tools and new skills to create engaging connections with clients and prospects.
1:30pm - 1:35pm: Sponsored Pop-Up Speaker (2)
CPE INFORMATION: Nicsa is pleased to offer this webinar learning activity to attendees who are seeking CPE credits. 1 CPE unit may be available for attendees of this webinar. The webinar requires no advanced preparation, no pre-requisite study and is appropriate for all who have a basic understanding of the investment management industry.
Nicsa is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org.
CPEs Earned: 1
CPE Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
Program Level: Basic
Delivery Method: Group-Internet Based
Advanced Preparation: None
CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS: Due to this program being offered free of charge, there will be no refunds issued. Questions or Cancellations: Please contact Jordan DeBettencourt at 508.683.1618.

Jim Bumpus (Moderator)
Head of Intermediary Markets, Columbia Threadneedle Investments
Jim Bumpus oversees the internal and external Independent Advisor and Broker/Dealer divisions, Strategic Beta wholesaling, Business Development, and Sales Governance and Administration teams. He joined one of the Columbia Threadneedle Investments firms in 2015. He's held several roles at Putnam Investments, including head of strategic accounts and served as a regional investment sales manager at Citizens Investment Securities and a financial advisor at Shearson Lehman Hutton. He's been a member of the investment community since 1989 and holds the Certified Investment Management Analyst® designation.

Jeff Duckworth
Head of Intermediary Distribution
John Hancock

Mike McLaughlin
Director of Business Development Group - Field Productivity
Wells Fargo
Michael McLaughlin, Director of Field Productivity at Wells Fargo Advisors, has over 23 years’ experience in the Financial Services Industry, including four as a Financial Advisor. He has worked with thousands of Financial Advisors in helping them incorporate Industry Best Practices to better serve their clients and grow their business. Mike has been a top speaker at Industry and Firm Conferences for the past 18 years. Prior to joining WFA, he was a Regional Sales Manager at Prudential Investments supporting their Mutual Funds and Separately Managed Accounts as a wholesaler in the Atlantic Coast region. He holds the Certified Investment Management Analyst designation from the prestigious Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Mike leads the firm’s Productivity Consultants to help Financial Advisors grow their business by embracing new strategies and industry Best Practices. He has a B.S. degree in Accounting and Finance from The Florida State University. He has also achieved the highest honor awarded in the Boy Scouts of America by earning his Eagle Scout. Mr. McLaughlin lives in St. Louis, MO with his wife and their two children.